


凡妮莎 说睡觉 and her partner, Brian, decided they wanted 一个变化 — they 需要 一个变化. The racial and civil unrest plaguing America was the tipping point that steered them toward international travel. 他们也厌倦了为了工作而生活,而不是为了生活而工作. They landed remote-access jobs and started planning their escape from the suburban mundane.

"It’s never too late or too impossible to do great things that mean something to you.——凡妮莎·M., 赌钱app可以微信提现普通理科学生

Their journey encompassed three months in Norway and a trip to the Philippines to build relationships with 凡妮莎’s extended family. 当关于冠状病毒的早期传言出现在新闻周期时, the citizens of the Philippines were tensely watching rumblings about the Taal volcano eruption. When the Philippine government abruptly grounded air travel due to the pandemic, 麦卡伦夫妇的冒险就此打住了. 这个家庭实际上被困在一个岛上.


When 说睡觉 realized she and her family were stranded, she felt disappointed. 她想参加赌钱app可以微信提现的夏季和秋季课程. 在与失眠作斗争的时候, she randomly checked 赌钱app可以微信提现’s website and found she was still able to enroll — and distance learning was being developed for 80% of classes. “我太兴奋了,”她说.

说睡觉 has been staring down her educational goals for 17 years and attended several colleges. “Most of them just felt like buildings you could learn at,”她说。. 他说:“我是否请到了一位高质量的老师很难说. 不是在赌钱app可以微信提现. 感觉就像一个社区空间. It’s welcoming as a physical space, and now I’ve found it’s the same in a virtual space.”

说睡觉 believes distance learning and online options are changing the course of education.

“我觉得更古怪, 拖延, 像我这样疲惫不堪的父母会更有动力去拿到学位,”她说。.

She is pursuing an Associate of Science degree in General Sciences at 赌钱app可以微信提现 with a goal of earning a bachelor’s degree in biological anthropology and archaeology.

"赌钱app可以微信提现 staff were wonderful when I first enrolled and they continue to blow me away with their knowledge, 资源和同情心.——凡妮莎·M., 赌钱app可以微信提现普通理科学生

赌钱app可以微信提现 staff were wonderful when I first enrolled and they continue to blow me away with their knowledge, 资源和同情心,”她说。. “他们反应很快,随时准备提供帮助. I’ve never felt like I was drowning because I knew I could always ask someone.”

旅行. 学习. 经验.

说睡觉, 在洛杉矶长大的人, 加州, 由一个移民母亲所生, 希望她的孩子们自由奔放. 她认为钱是“可悲的必需品”.“由于缺乏它,她在美国的生活变得更加艰难.S. was a struggle — a constant juggle from paycheck to paycheck between bills and having money left for food and daycare. She’s confident her education will improve her family’s finances and allow her to have a job she believes in.

“但钱就是钱,”她说. “你死的时候,它不会在你身边.”

“I don’t want my children to feel like they have to be rooted somewhere permanently in order to be successful,”她说。. “There is so much to learn out there and what I want is not set within the confines of a cubicle.”


自大流行以来, the family found long-term housing and started integrating themselves into the community. Brian has supported 凡妮莎’s unconventional ideas, including packing up their lives to globetrot.

说睡觉 also home-schools her daughters — Oswin, 6, and Evelyn, 14. Math is a challenging subject, with her youngest writing her own equations and her oldest helping 凡妮莎 她的中级代数课程. “总的来说, it feels like they’ve had a much easier time with learning since Mom is also learning with them,”她说。.

麦卡伦一家无话不谈. 他们所经历的,回到美国.S. 去看望朋友, 他们多么想念家乡啊, 未来的计划是什么样子, 他们的作业目标, 所有的话题都是经常出现的吗.

What are the first things the 说睡觉s want to do when they get back home? 去徒步旅行,喝自来水! There’s not a lot of elbow room in the urban area where they now live, and refillable tanks of purified water are used for cooking and drinking.

“Access to clean drinking water is something we really take for granted in the U.S.麦卡伦说. “我们现在在用水方面要保守得多.”

“我们不是一个完美的家庭, but we are like a goofy old cuckoo clock with gears that still work relatively well,”她说。. “Whenever one of us is really struggling or missing something we issue an alert for an ‘emergency hug’ — stat.”

And just to keep things interesting, the 说睡觉s also adopted a bunny, Kaffe Bunjamin Latte.


正如麦卡伦所发现的, 赌钱app可以微信提现’s flexible course delivery options make learning possible no matter where you are. 用2,500个在线课程可供选择, you can affordably start and finish your educational goal from anywhere on the planet with internet access. 今天报名! 学习的世界是你的,去争取吧.